Week 22- Jay (e-mail to Mom)

Dear Mom,

I would just like to start off by say this thank you for the pictures and my memory card. Yes I have finally received them. But before you think that you were right and I was wrong. Let me say this. YOU SENT THE TO THE FOX RUN ADDRESS. As you already know I am in Jay. Thank you for the picture but please DO NOT print out my whole memory card and send it to me because I really don’t have room for them and if I have the memory card I can print the ones I want out at Wal-mart. Plus, that is an obscene amount of money to print them and send them. But thank you for the once you sent me. Elder Roberts didn’t take a lot of pictures in the MTC. So I am giving him most of those.

I didn’t tell you much about my new companions last week because I found out on Monday and I didn’t meet them until Wednesday. My new companions are Elder Newsom (new-some) and Elder Mantei (man-tie like the temple but no relation to the temple). They are both really cool but still really weird. Elder Newsom is from Orem, Utah and Elder Mantei is from Fairbanks, Alaska. I know what you are thinking and yes, I am excited to have a companion from a different state other than Utah. Elder Newsom has been in Jay before and he was sent here because I told President Jensen that I didn’t know my way around. He took that as I can't run the area. So he sent me Elder Newsom. I felt like calling President Jensen and screaming, "I don’t need a babysitter." But then Elder Newsom showed me a lot of things that needed to be done in this area. See, I have learned this week that your area is what you make it. Elder Jones was making it feeling like a black hole of misery, so it was, but the sun is finally shinning on Jay. And not to go into much detail, but lets just say Elder Jones stepped on some toes of the branch leaders. Elder Mantei is cool but he has health needs, such as he is a type #1 diabetic, so he will say are we going to eat soon my blood sugar low. I don’t notice because when I am working I don’t get hungry. Darn dads genes.

About the business cards. A picture in general, yes. A picture of me, maybe if it is a good picture and it turns out well. As far as facebook, no thank you. If they want it all they have to do is type my name in and this is important put on my home e-mail address and the mission e-mail because 1. after I am released this account gets erased 2. I only have enough time to e-mail family. But no saying. I am not sure if I want a scripture or not. I am going to say no unless you like put it on the back or something. (Mosiah 2:17). Thank you. Yes, send it to jay.

WHAT! Hawaii seriously mom? How come I leave for my mission and Mallory gets to go to Europe and you get to go to Hawaii and I am stuck in northern Florida in the summer. It's summer here until mid October. Aren't I the one that is supposed to be having the adventure? Gosh, I just can't win in this family. You could send me some pictures from Hawaii. Just pens and anything else you want. Just remember my favorite animal.

I am glad dad had fun at the wedding. But yes, I agree mom, you and dad should never move away from Oregon City. All of your children can go back and reminisce about the old times. When you are right you are right. lol. There is a community college in Wenatchee? What does dad have against fried okra? It is really funny you should mention it this week because Sister Taylor made some this week. It was good. All she did was chop it into small pieces and coat it in jiffy corn meal then deep fried them. If he said that it is gross then remind him what he ate it when he came back from his mission.

Mom I really need a new journal, plus I am running out of pills.

Oh, and in a lesson the other day I used all four books, the Book of Mormon, the Bible, the Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price.

Well, I love you.

Elder Forsberg