Week 21- Jay (E-mail to Barnett's)

Dear Maren,

Oh I am glad they surgery went well. Yeah surgery is pretty uncomfortable. Dad is so weird when it comes to high councilor talks. I sure if he ask someone to they would its not like he was going to the beach to have fun or anything.

Yes Maren, I have use the focus button many times it just doesn’t work well. But I have figure out how to use the flash so we are good. And of course there not good picture of me in a suit. I love haw mom and dad had months to get a picture for it and yet they made me do it on my mission. I sent them a printed picture that they will have to reduce to fit. But if not check on my myspace or face book. But I am glad you enjoyed the pictures. Oh I will be sending mom a recipe soon so you will want to ask her to email it to you when she gets it in the mail.

Maren I was wondering if you could design me a business card. Well not business card more like a contact card. Because some people I want to keep in contact with after my mission. And every time I say Cominger everyone looks at it like it is Russian or something. It doesn’t have to be anything special. Just my info on paper. (phone, email, mailing address)

But we had a very busy day on Saturday. We left the apartment at 930 am and didn’t get back until 9 pm. We were visiting people. And we did companionship study in the park and some Jehovah's witnesses came up to us and shared a little lesson (full of false doctrine) then before we could say any thing they left. They seemed very nervous to talk to us. There companionship are old men and one white one black person. Don’t know why but they do it that way.

I got two more cd this week. Both by the Mormon Tabernacle choir they are called to serve and come now fount. They are good cd's.

But we actually had fun at the Anderson's this week. Yeah they actually treated us like we were there. But it was really fun.

Maren I have always had a short companion. Ever this the MTC. When I was at the trade of with elder Barney I said I feel short next to you. He said I am short he was just my same height and I was not use to that. Which was true. Speaking of companions on Wednesday is transfer and I am getting 2 new companions. Yeah I am way nervous because Elder Newsom was here when all the missionaries in jay were apostate and jay has changed into a productive area. But when the odds are 2 against one and you’re the one aren’t so good. But yeah I will tell you next week how things are. With everything there are good and bad. But I would being lying if I send I wasn’t happy to be free of my current companion I either love him to death or ready to causes his death there is no happy medium. And we have a small apartment. Try fitting 3 bed in my room

Marquita is upset with her doctor because he said she is not allow to leave the area because of her high risk pregnancy. And she was going to the temple to do baptisms for the dead. But the funny this is she will be going to a bigger and best city. But it is still a no.

Jay is not a white trash town. It pretty good. Most live in house. But jay is a WHITE town. As in FEW year back they posted a sign saying all black must leave before sun down or they will be killed. Not even joking. So only white people live in jay.

I was told on Thursday to give a talk we got busy so I wrote it on Saturday night. He taught me how to turns a simple question into a rude comment. For example this really happened. Forsberg” did you know we had rice?” Jones” did you know I don’t care if we have rice”. That’s a good thing right.

Paul Jr. doesn’t change because he likes the treated he gets from other people who mean well. People wont treat him that way if he is normal.

We didn’t get to go to Tallahassee the president came down here. And I sat in silents writing a letter to Sam. But president and sister Jensen are very busy. All in all it was awkward. He will be going to weaver state. He starts the Monday he get home. He gets home on a Thursday.


Elder Forsberg