Week 17- Jay (E-mail to Barnett's)

Dear Maren,

Thank you for the package. I loved it. I use the erasable pens every night to write in my journal. I use them so I don’t have to go back through with white out. Well no, this chocolate didn’t really melt. But the chocolate in the bottle was all melted. Lol! Oh, and thanks for the otter pops. How did you remember that they were my favorite? I haven’t gotten anything from Shutterfly, but then again, I received your package on Saturday. It may get here this week. Oh, I was wondering why you sent me an empty photo album. Now it make sense. As soon as mom and dad send me my memory card, I can send this memory card home. Well, to you then to home.
This area isn't as bad as I thought it would be, but it's just the little things that make it hard. Like our washer doesn’t work, so I might have to wear all my clothes over again. We have a potential investigator down in Milino, which is good and bad because Milino is 45 minutes away from Jay and that’s just to get to the city of Milino. We can really only go down there once a week. The branch is really nice and since it is so small I can learn every ones names quicker.

Don’t worry Maren. I get sleepy at the beginning of a session too. No, I shouldn’t be limited in time any more in Jay because Elder Jones took me to the Jay library which has a 1 hour time limit. Now we go to Brewton library which has none. He will do any accent at any time, (British, Canadian, Scottish, Mexican and many more) plus there are just little things that make him weird. The next transfer is August 18th. A transfer is every six week, so one month and two weeks. I think I can make it through another transfer here in Jay. That’s just it, there is not much of the Lord's work we can do up here. No one needs service, so we just tract a lot.

Marqitas lessons are going great. We mostly answer her questions because she has been taught all the present lessons and lessons 4 and 5 are for after baptism. Well, 4 is for preparing to be baptized and 5 is for after baptism. That’s what she keeps saying. that her boyfriend Luke so turning her life around. Luke's mother is crazy because she blames Marquita for stopping Luke from going on a mission, but the way Luke lived his life it was apparent he wasn’t going to be allowed to go on a mission. If you catch my drift.

Gee Maren, Braden tells you no. I seem to remember mom telling stories about you throwing huge temper tantrums because she wouldn’t let you cook an egg on the stove. Yay, Brody has learned to smile. You might not have noticed, but he is not smiling in any of the photos you sent. Zone conference is this week.

The cookie recipe is as follows:
1 box of cake mix of your choices
¼ to 1/3 of veggie oil
¼ cup of water
¼ cup of flour
1 egg

Anything else you want to put in it (nuts, chocolate chips, candy)

Mix all and roll into 1” balls bake at 350 degrees for 12-15 minutes until brown on the sides then let sit for 5-10 to make harder

(red velvet with white chocolate chips is good)

Elder Forsberg

P.S. Sorry, I just thought of this. You gave Shutterfly.com my Jay address. Are you able to change that when I get transferred?