Week 10- Pensacola (E-mail to Dad)

Dear Dad,
My week was busy/boring. We did a lot of service this week. We were mostly in our service clothes. Then it started to thunder and we can't tract in thunder, so we were stuck at the apartment, which is very small. Is is thundering right now.
So transfers were last Wednesday. I am finally on my second transfer. We got 2 new elders in our zone. Elder Champman is Russian but he is from Missouri and Elder Meyer is from West Linn, Oregon. Plus, we got another area in our district, Perdido (english). Elder Treasure and Elder Barlow are in that area. They seem really nice.
We have been doing so much service this week. Most of this week we didn’t even dress in a white shirt and tie, which just shows you how much service we actually did.
Ok, we helped this single sister move and it went really quickly. When we got there, it only took us about a half an hour to finish. Then we went to her storage unit and that only took us about a half an hour, then when went over to gulf breeze and unpacked her. That only took about 45 minutes, so it went really quickly.
Dad, Bishop Carlson was a scout leader all the time I was there, either with a calling or not. And if he can hold Aaron Clement as a pre-teen, then I think he can run a ward.
About the seating. You will have to go sectional. Just surround the room in couches. Leave a little area so you can get in and out. But don’t get rid of the red chair I like that one.
Well yes, I actually met the Ward Mission Leader my first Sunday, but he was not introduced as the Ward Mission Leader, so whatcha going to do?
Elder Forsberg

I am not cheap because I want to write Sam more than once a month. I knew Brother Carlson was going to be the next Bishop.