Week 2- MTC (Letter to Huntley's)

Dear Mallory and Brent,

Thank you for your letter. It is okay if you are bad at writing letters. There are a lot of missionaries going to Hungary, so if you need a hook up, I got it! There are 5 Sisters and 5 Elders.

Okay, you will be shocked with what I am going to say next. But if I were going to get in a fight it would be here. I'll pause while you catch your breath... Ok, it is all because of Elder Durban (Der-bane-o). Since I got here, he has been a jerk. He keeps on pointing out every little flaw to me. Elder Forsberg your hand writing looks like a 4th graders. Your suppose to wear your watch on your left wrist, not your right wrist. Elder Forsberg say Red Rabbits Race in Racecars Round the track. He is fun, but come on, you were called to serve not tease the Lord's Servants. Plus he says "I only tease you because I like you". Now correct me if I am wrong, but we weren't raised that way right? You didn't make fun of someone to the degree he has, just because you like them.

But enough venting, so how goes the packing? I really like my teachers. Brother Mortensen served in the Eugene Oregon Mission and he is a really good teacher. So what did you and Brent do for Easter weekend? I sat in a gym for 12 hours.

I leave on Tuesday at 5 am. I fly from Salt Lake to Atlanta to Tallahassee. I do want you to send me something. Stamps, now they cost .44 cents here, so if you can find them cheaper, can you send me some? I write a lot of letters. If you don't get this letter until Monday then I will be leaving 5 am on Tuesday. Oh, and if you haven't called about the ring you should do that too.

So has the weather been weird for you? This week it has snowed every morning here. I like it because I like the cold. I like the MTC but I kind of want to go into the mission field so I can actually talk to people. Here we can only call people that ordered things from the church. I called this one lady named Susan. Susan was a Christian Pastor. I thought she was going to shut me down but she didn't. She had seen Finding Faith in Christ and she has read the Book of Mormon. She liked it and it was an awesome call. Oh, and if you ever buy writing pens buy BIC ecosolutions because it went though the wash and it still writes and didn't even get on my white shirts! Well, I have taken up enough of your time!

Elder Forsberg